Maxio vs Chargebee

Which is best for B2B SaaS?

Curious how Maxio and Chargebee stack up head-to-head? Here’s what you need to know.

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What’s the difference between Maxio and Chargebee?

Maxio helps growing SaaS businesses navigate through every inflection point, growth stage, and funding round on their journey to a successful exit.

While Chargebee has historically supported B2C, simple B2B subscription businesses, and numerous other industries, Maxio was built specifically for the needs of B2B SaaS.

Our singular focus ensures we’re building a product that enables B2B businesses to unlock their next stage of growth.

Compare PlansMaxioChargebee
Billing and Subscription Management
Subscription billing
Contract billing
Self-service portals
Multi-attribute rating
Prepaid subscriptions
Prepaid usage
Company Management
Single product with multiple currencies
Localized customer support
Revenue & Expense Reporting
Basic revenue recognition
End of period balance reporting
Expense recognition
AvaTax (Included)
Salesforce (two-way)
HubSpot (two way)
Xero (two way)
Quickbooks (two way)
Netsuite (two way)

Why Maxio?

Perform cohort analyses, make cash projections, understand your CLV:CAC ratio, and generate in-depth financial reports at the drop of a hat.

Mix and match billing models—custom contracts, one-time charges, targeted promotions, free trials, and billing frequencies—so you can go to market your way.

Configurable dashboards make it easy to visualize data your way. Create the right reports for your CFO, CEO, the board, investors, and all your key stakeholders.

Our team will help you migrate your data and set up revenue and expense recognition rules according to your auditor’s advice.

Maxio calculates sales commissions, prepaid expenses, and fixed assets for you. Get a consolidated journal entry for both revenue and expenses at the end of the month.

Custom contracts, self-service, or hybrid? Maxio supports both sales-negotiated and product-led companies.

When to use Chargebee

Chargebee serves early-stage and pre-revenue B2B and B2C SaaS companies.

Your primary focus is B2C

Chargebee’s feature set is built to support the needs of most B2C businesses.

You sell physical products

Chargebee is a good choice for subscription companies who run online shops for physical goods.

You prefer to bootstrap

Chargebee’s simple billing engine is a good fit for small businesses who aren’t looking to scale.

Ready to manage complex pricing—without the financial headaches?

  • We bought into a popular subscription management platform that didn’t live up to the hype. When our financial metrics were off, we knew it was time for a change. I wish we had found Maxio from the beginning, although it was definitely worth the wait.

    Mindy Drue, Pal USA

    Financial Controller

  • Before Maxio, we spent a lot of time checking and reconciling. Now we copy the numbers straight out of Maxio into our revenue recognition journal. It probably takes two minutes instead of a full day.

    Craig Humphrey, Arctic Shores (UK)

    VP of Finance and Operations